Milshee @milshee
Well, the third character in a week is ready. My arm hurts at the fracture site. I must have overextended her. But now I'm ready to create characters for the auction. I think I will make 2 characters to order and 1 for auction in a week
Milshee @milshee
Hi. I was gone for a long time. I'll show you the character and the skin on it for a future game. A trial run is planned for November
Milshee @milshee
hi. in the meantime I'll show you the learning process that started today.
It seems to me that if I start studying animals, then furries will actually go easier and more realistic.
Milshee @milshee
I'm getting back into the swing of things a bit and here are some sketches of future work
Milshee @milshee
While I'm recovering, other guys are creating a 3D model based on my sketches and making animation for a cartoon based on my comics. You can't imagine how nice it is to see your drawing come to life.