Harleo @Harleo

A small polar fury stuff~

This figurine was given to me by a friend for our first festival, which we held a year ago. It still stands on my furry stand. I think it would be nice to post it too

Harleo @Harleo

I've always loved slim and athletic bears. It's strange that there are so few of them. My foreign relatives even call me Skinny bear :P

Harleo @Harleo

Wow, guys, you've subscribed to me here, and I've only noticed it now :0
It's so unexpected and pleasant
Thank you, there are already 12 of you

Well, I really love polar bears. I live in St. Petersburg - here is one of the artworks on its theme)

Harleo @Harleo

Hello, muzzles, I am Harleo, a polar bear from St. Petersburg. This site seemed interesting to me

I will post art and furry photos here. Always glad to communicate. I hope it will be interesting to someone here))